The Gnarled Hoof
Fren, Fren garret Is ma name.. You beed welcome here any time Travala. Just you hand me the pretty penny and ill hand yha yor lock.
Fren “The hand” Garret
4th level Theif/1st level fighter
The Gnarled Hoof Is a fine establishment for Resting/Drinking/Fighting/Fornication. (Or RDFF for short) Run by the garret family since The great elven Assembly fell into the slump its in now. 3998 Years to be precise. Glen Garret was the first half-ling to set foot into the Fen-watch with his wife Marry Prodlook. Looking to find a farming community that would allow His kind to settle in. once his Farm was razed by “gods know what” at “Gods know when” For “gods know Why” He turned to heavy drinking. Which led his wife to ask a simple question... “how is this ever going to make me money?” Glen smiled And passed out, and ever since the Garret Family has been brew-master/Brew-sellers since the dawn of the 4th age.
Built from The Cherry redwood which is ever in abundance in the Fen-watch The most recent reincarnation of the “Drinkery” ( The last one was burnt down), was built to western dwarfish standards Just late last Year. But thanks to the Garret fortune, looks better than ever. The I beam Of the “Drinkery” is said to weigh just over 1500 Pounds and was hauled begrudgingly from the Dailsh forest from the north, the giant piece of wood is said to calm Horses/Lesserfolk of the area.
The inn is a two story building made out of rough hewed stone. While the inside is made of Pine/Cherry woods. The inn has a large entry way, Which is also the common area for sleeping. This room centered with a small fire place emits a forge like heat, People say that you can feel the heat from the out side on cold neverwinter days.
Fren Garret: Master proprietor of the gnarled Hoof, Is a motley fellow. His clothes are ripped from countless weight increases. Hair slicked back from the sweat of the fires. But the man has a stellar sense of moral direction. He will trust anyone anywhere for anything. Be it The tab you cant pay, or the fights you start, this man will forgive you at a drop of a helmet.
Heilda Garret: Wife/Master of Fren. The most lady like of the hill dunlings you will ever meet, Hilda at any time can be found at the kitchen, Cooking/Cleaning/Salting/Storing/Washing any thing the girls hand her. She is not so morally righteous when it comes to her/Frens Business. Known to hide criminals or sell stolen items for even the smallest profit. She is a business woman, And she will tell you that.
Katylin Garret: Like most girls her age, in the Fenwatch; Katylin is obsessed with swords/fighting tales. And would pay money to see an Orc fight a crocodile bare handed. She is in control of the inn, But is most of the time MIA during most of the day because of her wanderlust.